Are you unsure of the direction you want to take, whether in your business or your private life?

Is there a huge gap between what you're doing and what you dream of doing?

Are you in search of an action plan with a difference?

My offering, The Heart Connection Session, is just the thing for you!

This 121 online session has been designed to help you reconnect to your heart to tune in to what it wants to bring forwards, and to create your own plan of action aligned with your values and personal strengths.

The WHY behind the heart connection session

So many of us have been struggling since 2020 and the crumbling of the “old way of doing things”.

I’m a firm believer that we are in the middle of a shift in paradigm, and that we need to let go of the hustling and striving that was once accepted as the norm.

For me, the new norm will be a more feminine way, connected to our heart and in alignment with our inner power.

It’s a time to see through the illusions of our old beliefs, release our old stories, speak our truth and realign with our heart’s purpose.

So, why an individual session like this?

Because some of us honestly don’t have the time or don’t want to commit to more long-term coaching.

You need to allow for 90 minutes, just in case your heart is overflowing with wonderful guidance for you.

Here’s what you’ll get when you invest


STEP ONE – Connect to your heart

I will guide you back to your heart space, through some gentle breathing, and help you connect to its message.

STEP TWO – Address any fears or doubts

When we connect to our heart, we may doubt the message or be afraid of following it.

If this happens for you, we will look at these fears and doubts together, see whether they are based on past experience or simply projections into the future, and transform them into desires and needs.

STEP THREE – Explore your values, personal strengths and previous successes

Our values, strengths and successes are what makes us, us! We tend to overlook this when planning, visualizing or imagining our future.

I bring them back to the forefront, so that you can include them with your heartfelt desires and needs.

STEP FOUR – Create a heart-based roadmap

We will end our session by creating a roadmap based on the way you want to live and/or show up in your business. You will identify the steps to take, in order for you to fulfil your intentions.

I believe that goals come from the mind and intentions, from the heart. Intentions add purpose to goals, as they remind us of what’s important for us.

You will come away from this experience, knowing what you really want, above everything else, and how to get it!

Are you ready to listen to your heart’s desires and reclaim your inner power?

Read what Lauren says
about her experience with me

Sarah has such a beautiful way of gently helping you make huge revelations that release you from the things that are keeping you stuck.”

“A heart-centered life is a reflective life. When we live more reflectively,
we operate less reactively.”

Danielle Laporte


    • There’s an inner conflict going on about where you are and where you want to be.
    • You’re finding it difficult to make long-term decisions right now.
    • You’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and uncertain of the next step(s) to take.


    • Look at how you can connect to your heart.

    • Address any fears and doubts that you may be having.

    • Explore your values, personal strengths and previous successes.

    • Design your heart-based roadmap, ready for you to follow!

    Who am I?

    I’m Sarah,
    your SOUL-Based Healer and Mentor, supporting you to process past wounding and let go of limiting beliefs, so that you can unlock confidence, communication and connection.

    I’m passionate about helping sensitive, spiritually aware women who identify as people pleasers, perfectionists, and high achievers so that they can love and accept themselves.